GoThru Auto Stitching

If you don’t want to do the stitching for your panoramas by yourself, GoThru comes with an easy solution: a stitching service. This tutorial shows how to send a stitching job to GoThru.

Step 1: Create GoThruStitching folder

1. If your GoThru account is not connected to Google Drive, the application will inform you with a message. Within the message, press the My Profile link.

2. You will go to GoThru profile and press the Google Drive button, in red.

3. This will allow GoThru to access your Google profile and import images from there. Press the Allow button as shown below.

4. GoThru will request that you create on your Google Drive a folder called “GoThruStitching“, and inside this “GoThruStitching” folder you must create a sub-folder with the name of your business. This will allow GoThru to go directly to the specified location and save time.

5. In the sub-folder with the business name, you have to add the images that you want to be stitched.

Step 2: Create a New Tour

1. Click on the Constellation tab on the top bar.

2. Click +Create New Tour.

3. Select the tour type, Google business, Blue Line, or Hosted tour, and click start.

4. Enter a location or the CID and click search to find it.

5. Once you find it, click Create New Tour then follow the next steps.

6. Click Upload panorama

7. In the Panorama Upload section press the Auto Stitching button.

Step 3: Start the Stitching

1. Firstly, select the camera and the lens used for taking the images.

2. Now you have to check the folders you would like to be sent to stitching. Multiple selection is allowed.

3. Click the Preview Panos button. You will be able to visualize the images from Google Drive in rows and have the opportunity to inspect these images to see if they are proper and ready for stitching.

Note: GoThru is able to auto detect oddities among the images and will warn you if there are any issues with the images (for example, double or triple identical images).

GoThru will automatically calculate the amount of money you have to pay for the stitching. Press the link shown below to unlock the stitching.

4. You will go on the payment page to make the payment.

5. Afterwards, go back to Constellations, select your tour, and press Tools -> Upload Panoramas ->Auto Stitching. Press Send Panoramas to effectively send the panoramas to stitching.

When the stitching is done, you will get the stitched images on your listing. GoThru will notify you by email when the stitching is complete. You may now proceed to the moderating process.

Video Tutorial: