
Overlay Statistics

Overlay Statistics from Overlay Editor provides a quick overview of how your tour overlay is performing. The statistics contains essential information that can assist you in making an informed decision to improve the display of a panorama via direct tourmkr links or Website Embeds.

How To Add GoThru Sub Accounts

You can share a GoThru account's quota (space, tokens, and publishing) with other GoThru accounts by using the GoThru Sub Account feature.

How To Import Panoramas From Dropbox

In this tutorial, you will learn how to import panoramas from Dropbox.

How To Pick The Starting Panorama For A Google Tour

In this tutorial you are going to look at how to select the starting panoramas of a Google tour, by dissociating the panos with the Place ID.

How To Get CID numbers

CID Finder ( allows you to get the CID number using the Google Maps business page URL.

How To Shrink Or Enlarge A Constellation

GoThru makes it easy to change the size of a constellation area. You can resize a constellation to shrink it down to fit in the map area or to make it larger to cover up more area.

How To Re-name A Listing In GoThru

Changing your listing name that shows up on GoThru and Google Maps is fairly simple.

How To Select Multiple Panoramas In Edit Section

Here's how to select multiple panoramas in the Edit Constellation page.

How To Fix A Tour Where All Links Are Missing From Google

In this tutorial, you are going to look at the steps on how to fix a tour where all links are missing from google as described below.

How To Fix A Tour Where All Panos Are Map Rejected

Maps rejected panoramas is a common problem when uploading a tour on Google Street View. But what if all panoramas in a tour are maps rejected? In that case, GoThru allows you to fix the problem.