
How To Request Removal Of Older Panoramas From Google

You can request removal of older panoramas of your business from a different contributor or photographer to replace it with a new one.

How To Embed A Google Virtual Tour

Here are some simple steps on how to embed a Google overlay virtual tour on your website.

How to Update a Street View Tour with Bad Stitching

On occasions, you might need to update a street view

How to Clone a Tour Using GoThru

It is possible to find out that a certain constellation exists in GoThru under a wrong CID. To fix this type of problem it is recommended to clone the constellation and assign it a proper CID.

How to work with levels in GoThru Street View Editor

When uploading panoramas to GoThru, the upload will be automatically made on one level. But in certain cases you might need to have your panoramas on different levels, so GoThru comes with the “levels” feature to facilitate your work.

Google Street View Levels in GoThru

If you published a GoThru tour with levels on Google Street View, then you modified the tour levels, it will be necessary to synchronize the modified tour with the levels already existing on Google.

Uploading panoramas to a Google Street View tour using GoThru

In this tutorial, you can learn the two ways of uploading panoramas in a Google Street View tour using direct upload or by using Google Drive.

Constellation Manager

Within your GoThru account, the Constellations manager is your core operational center. It is designed to help you easily create, manage, and store your tours.

GoThru Auto Stitching

If you don’t want to do the stitching for your panoramas by yourself, GoThru comes with an easy solution: a stitching service. This tutorial shows how to send a stitching job to GoThru.

Publishing a GoThru Tour on Google Street View

After creating a tour and going through the moderation process, you will be ready to publish the tour on Google Street View. Please follow the steps described below.